
"و بقول كلام موزون, القى الصدى يرجع كلام دايخ"

Monday, January 24, 2005

و ينزل المساء

رجعت في المساء كالقمر المهاجر
حقولك السماء حصانك البيادر
أنا نسيت وجهي تركته يسافر

سافرت البحار لم تأخذ السفينة
و أنت كالنهار تشرق في المدينة
و الريح تبكي في الساحة الحزينة

أعرف يا حبيبي أنك ظل مائل
و أن أيامك لا تطيل
و كالمدى تبعد ثم تبعد

و تحت سقف الليل و المطر
و في حضور الخوف
و الأسماء
و العناصر

و كل ما لا اسم له في الكون

أعلن حبي لك و اتحادي بسحر عينيك
و أرض الزهر في بلادي

و ينزل المساء

Saturday, January 22, 2005

قلبي ارتجف

غدر الزمان يا قلبي مالهوش أمان
و هييجي يوم تحتاج لحبة ايمان
قلبي ارتجف و سألني أأمن بايه
أأمن بايه محتار بقالي زمان

Sunday, January 16, 2005

خناجر ورد

تكبر تكبر..فمهما يكن من هواك
ستبقى بعيني و لحني ملاك
و تبقى كما شاء لي حبنا أن أراك

نسيمك عنبر و ارضك سكر
و اني احبك اكثر

يداك خمائل و لكنني
لا اغنيك كل البلابل
فان السلاسل تعلمني
ان اقاتل اقاتل اقاتل

لاني احبك اكثر

نسيمك عنبر و ارضك سكر
و اني احبك اكثر

غنائي خناجر ورد
و صمت طفولة رعد
و انت الثرى و السماء
و قلبك اه اخضر

و جزر الهوى فيك مد
فكيف اذا لا احبك اكثر

و اني طفل هواك
على حضنك الحلو انمو و اكبر

و اني احبك اكثر

Thursday, January 13, 2005


لح لح تح تح .. فوفو بح بح
حبيبي وزعني و قلي بح
بح بح آه بح بح
طلع فوق نزل تحت
قلتله أحبك قاللي صح
بح بح آه بح بح
بحبك أوي أوي يابن الايه
وليه كده ماعرفشي أنا ليه
بح بح آه بح بح
جمالك طرشق قلبي بجد
وأنا لازم أحط لحبك حد
بح بح آه بح بح
فيصت قلبي بحبي معاك
وقولي ازاي دلوقتي أنساك
بح بح آه بح بح
قلبي خلاص بقي معجنة
وانت يا حبيبي المفرمة
بح بح آه بح بح

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Piano? Piannooo? Piaaaaaaaaano!

Dedicated to a piano loving girl!

Piano, an english word that means a loooooooooooooong repetetive white road, having lots of black subways n obstacles called "half tones"....

No exact starts, or even obvious ends.
When I fistly tried this road, I jumbed onto the first obstacle I met, "oh! what a polluted sound!"
Then again n again on all the obstacles, trying to battle them all, trying to push them lower n lower n lower.

Hey! u can try those white subways..
wow, didn't recognize those subways, or it might be that Phsycological charizma narrowing my eyes so they can't see but those black obstacle..

"This is called Do!" said my tutor.
Do? Do what? Do some music..
Repeat what u played..
what about Re-Do.. Redoing it again n again..
n I kept Redo-ing those notes created by Me ....

Suddenly I decided to have that foolish childish jumb I always do..

Re-Do- See..
Oh, see what I did u idiotic tutor.. I'm born to be an artist, can't u see, can't u do, or do I have to Re-Do it..

I did the same thing every single time I resorted to that looooooooooooooooong road..

but! Why those subways n those obstacles always have an end.. They never remain. They never echo. Do I have to walk the whole way again to sustain such a subway.
n for God's sake, is it sane to sustain a note (subway) with ur leg??!!!!!!!

I hated that tutor "I'll be hating u untill u find my a sustainable subway! I hate ending roads, n I hate those black obstacles filling my way.."
Time passing
Untill I saw that small tiny tender thing, they call it violin, n I call it
Viol- violence
In- inside me..

As an 8 years old boy, it was very weird to handle such small thing with such care. Even not knowing where it's subways are, r how on earth I was going to Re-Do without obstacles..
can life be that simple? I doubt..

When I suddenly bowed that long bow, on those 4 streched parallel roads, I was introduced to a La.. (always a subway, I mean a note..)

N.B. "La" is the italian word of "there"

hey everybody come n
See- Me- Re- Do- La.

See me redoing it there.. (or backthere)..

Wow, it's a complete city full of subways n looooooooooong roads but
never an obstacle
never ends...

I kept Doing n Redoing it untill I finally resorted to subways, not to words.
I couldn't get how those human creatures talk without notes, without melodies, w i t h o u t that beloved glance called music..

I'm proudly a Music Loving Guy..
n it's why I don't know how to spell words.. I always resorted to notes..

N.B. Word, is a latin expression that means "things always having 2 meanings"..

Finally I'm here trying to translate my notes to words that have only one meaning..

Only One Meaning..


Monday, January 10, 2005

How to spell, read n' write!

1. r e a d
a n d
w r i t e!
It could be that way, spelling "read and write"
2. how to spell read and write? could be a whole defined question!

This is why I can't write anymore, "every single word u say could have another meaning" replied dad when I asked him if he really wants me to go out with my old commie friend..

3einy ra2et mawloud 3ala ketf ommo,
yosrokh tehanen feeh, yosrokh tedommo,
yesrokh te2oul yabny matenta2 kalam,
da ely mayetkalemsh ya kotr hammo! 3agaby!

For everyone who might risk reading those stormed words, I'm writing cuz u pushed me to do..
I just wanted to share..
I really wanted to share those who impressed me with their outstanding art,
with their imbalanced Egypt-Love charizma,
those whom I didn't recognize how close they r to that un-intended dream that never comes true (with 2 meanings as well)!!!

ta3allo neghanny le Masr w 3ala esm Masr..

Masr el sama el fozdo2y , 3asafeer me3adeya
wel olla mamleya 3ala el shebak menadeya,
wel ged a2ed meraba3 bye2ra fel gornal...

kataba el neelo 3ala shattehe
kesasan bel 7ob tazdahero..

kam eshtaghalt ya nile fe na7t el sokhour,
million ba2ouna w alf million hatour,
ya nile ana ebn 7alal w men khelfetak,
w leh 3aseeba 3alaya bas el 2omour!! 3agaby!!

ermy el ghanawy ta2awy
tebous el ard tet7anna
tefra7 w tetra7 w tesra7
w terga3 tany tetghanna
ely bana Masr
kan fel asl 7alawany..
El-Sheikh Emam 3eisa.. & Negm..

azon law a3adt akteb le akher el 3omr mosh hala2y agmal men kelmet Masr..

Good night.